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▶☞Play video☜◀FUE Hair Transplant in Korea (3,500 Grafts)_Before&After

  • 노블라인의원 /
  • Date 2019.11.14 /
  • Hit 188 /

More than 80% of the patients in my clinic are shown their final results in 6~8 months after surgery . I think we can soon generalize that the time we can expect final result is around 6~8 months , not 1 year , with development of the techniques.
In megasession , precise strategies for optimal distribution of grafts is essential because the limited number of the grafts to cover whole recipient area . Doctor have to consider the thickness of hair and hair style best for patient. This result can be seen imperfect because of low density of vertex area . But considering the limitations of the grafts in one surgery and broad recipient area, the result is not often in another clinics .

Phone : +82-2-514-0755
Mobile :+82-10-4955-0105
Nobleline hair transplant ,Kangnamku
Shinsadong, Seoul ,South Korea
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